Thursday, June 19, 2008

Cell phone brain tumor

If cell phones cause brain tumors, then I am definitely getting a brain tumor.  I'm on the thing ALL the time.

I would say if I could have one wish, it would be to go back in time and uninvent cell phones and the Internet.  I really liked the world better before these things occurred.  I used to sit down, have tea with friends out of china instead of paper cups... I read poetry by the fire with my Dad... and oh yeah--I was nine.

I wonder if people with ESP get brain tumors too, or if that's a different kind of radiation.
I think it exists; it's just not scientifically measurable yet.

It is a scary thing to think there is a world of energy beyond what is perceivable to the five human senses.  That could very well mean that my grandmother is watching while I masturbate.  Not cool.

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